What would Delphi be without copy & paste ?
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Skybuck Flying
2015-07-19 08:32:15 UTC
Probably a terribly frustrating and time consuming language.

I'd like to point that out that Delphi partially continues to exists because
of this important copy & paste feature.

I wouldn't go as far as saying that Delphi exists because of the grace of
copy & paste.

Delphi has other adventages like fast compile times.

But language wise Delphi is probably hanging on a thread... compared to
other languages.

There is a slight adventage of more robustness but overall the "begin" and
"end" statements everywhere are a big waste of time.

And the same can be said by other long language constructs.

After 20 years of programming and having programmed in Python for 2 years or
so... my love for Delphi has cooled down incredibly...

I do not see many reasons to continue programming in an in-efficient
language ?!

I think Delphi should have evolved into something like Python...
unfortunately Delphi did not.

I do have hopes that some day Delphi might become efficient again... perhaps
as a sort of dual-language.

Suited for "noobs" and "pro's".

2015-07-19 20:09:11 UTC

You have to be reasonable, there is advantages and disavantages
in Delphi and Python and Java, for exemple if you look at the frameworks
inside Delphi, here they are:


But the frameworks in Python are:


So you can notice with me that Delphi is much better than Python or Java
on the GUI , and it has more frameworks than Python.

Please look here:


Thank you,
Amine Moulay Ramdane.
Post by Skybuck Flying
Probably a terribly frustrating and time consuming language.
I'd like to point that out that Delphi partially continues to exists
because of this important copy & paste feature.
I wouldn't go as far as saying that Delphi exists because of the grace
of copy & paste.
Delphi has other adventages like fast compile times.
But language wise Delphi is probably hanging on a thread... compared to
other languages.
There is a slight adventage of more robustness but overall the "begin"
and "end" statements everywhere are a big waste of time.
And the same can be said by other long language constructs.
After 20 years of programming and having programmed in Python for 2
years or so... my love for Delphi has cooled down incredibly...
I do not see many reasons to continue programming in an in-efficient
language ?!
I think Delphi should have evolved into something like Python...
unfortunately Delphi did not.
I do have hopes that some day Delphi might become efficient again...
perhaps as a sort of dual-language.
Suited for "noobs" and "pro's".
Skybuck Flying
2015-07-19 22:21:14 UTC
From that list notice a couple of big things:

1. Python is FREE.
2. Python is used/used by/for Game developer industry which is a big market
! ;)
3. The functional thing is probably very interesting ;) :)
4. Python had 15 years longer development ? wow didn't know that ?1 ;)
5. HTML Syntax ?
6. Higher Kinded Types (? list, hashes, dictionary I presume... these are
more akward in Delphi to use.)
7. Will get you a job
8. Sexy :)


1. For Delphi I noticed assembly language, this may come in handy for new
2. Delphi better and faster at debugging.

What's missing from that list is compile speed, in favor of Delphi.
And debugger speed/quality and hint/warning messages/debugging support.


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